A Short History of Kobe Beef


The history of Kobe Beef dates back to the late 19th century in Japan. During this time, Japan ended its period of isolation and began opening up to foreign trade. Western countries, particularly Britain and the United States, established trading relationships with Japan, bringing new ideas, technologies, and even cattle breeds to the country.

One event that influenced the development of Kobe Beef was the importation of European cattle breeds, which didn’t result in a particularly useful cattle back in those days, where these cattle were initially used as work animals in agriculture or for consumption. However, looking back in history, this ultimately played a role in developing the Tajima strain of the Japanese Kuroge. These cattle were initially used as work animals in agriculture but were later recognized for their high-quality meat.

Over time, a unique beef culture developed in the Kobe region, with farmers implementing unique techniques and feeding practices to produce meat of exceptional quality.

Back then, Beef from Kobe gained recognition for its unparalleled taste, tenderness, and marbling, where the foreigners who visited Japan for trade started to become extremely popular to the point where it was referred to as “Kobe Beef”

Preserving Tradition

In 1983, Kobe Beef was granted a geographical indication (GI) status, which legally protected the name and ensured that only beef from Tajima cattle raised in the Hyogo Prefecture could be labeled as Kobe Beef.

Today, the production of authentic Kobe Beef remains tightly regulated by the Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association. Only cattle born, raised, and processed in the Hyogo Prefecture, and meeting stringent quality standards, can bear the coveted Kobe Beef label. Each cut of Kobe Beef is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, ensuring consumers of its provenance and quality.

Kobe Beef Today

Today, Kobe Beef remains one of the most sought-after and prestigious beef varieties globally, synonymous with luxury dining and gourmet cuisine. The history and tradition behind Kobe Beef continue to fascinate food enthusiasts and contribute to its enduring popularity.


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